Solipsist Films Options TO THE LIONS and THE DIARIES

Los Angeles-based Solipsist Films have optioned TO THE LIONSTHE DIARIES, and two upcoming Gage Hartline novels for film.  The Gage Hartline series, revolving around the Green Beret turned mercenary, are espionage thrillers heavy on crime and suspense.  Read the the story HERE

Solipsist Films are the producer of summer 2014's mega-movie Sin City: A Dame to Kill For.  What a cast!

TO THE LIONS, A Gage Hartline Novel, is Now on Sale

Chuck Driskell’s TO THE LIONS, the second chapter in the Gage Hartline series, is now on sale.  The story finds Gage Hartline in Spain, defending a mobster’s son against a rival criminal syndicate.  Unfortunately for Gage, the situation is far worse than he could have imagined.  He’ll need all his skills, along with some luck, to find his way out of this situation.

The book is available in paperback and e-book from Amazon.


DEMON'S BLUFF is Now on Sale

Chuck Driskell’s latest novel, DEMON’S BLUFF, is now on sale.  Set in World War II Panama, the book follows Rollie Donahue, an agent with the U.S. War Department, as he is thrust into a desperate chase surrounding the world’s deadliest secret…the atomic bomb. Against the steamy Panamanian backdrop, Rollie clashes with a ruthless adversary while negotiating a shadowy assemblage of spies, double agents, and alluring personalities. In a classic race against time, Rollie scrambles to prevent the secret from falling into enemy hands while trying desperately to discern friend from foe. The world, and his life, hangs in the balance.

The book is available in paperback and e-book from Amazon.